Wednesday, January 6, 2010




                                  biography of Stephen Hopkins                                              


My name is Stephen Hopkins I am from Hampshire England. I have a wife named Mary and three children Elizabeth, Constance and Giles. I am going to sail to the new Land. Its leaves in 1609. I am leaving because I need a place to be able to believe in my own religion. I'm going on a ship called The Sea Venture to James Town. I am going as the Ministers clerk. We leave first thing tomorrow. I am scared but excited at the same time.
    We're setting sail now. We've been on the ship for a while and I'm starting to get sick but not as bad as some of the other people. It was the middle of the day when I feel a big bump, we have wrecked. luckily  only one women died sadly she was a wife and had a family. we have wrecked some ware in the the Bermudas. we have Ben stranded nearly six months living off of sea turtles, birds, and wild pigs. I was
condemned of mutiny against our current government. I was then sentenced to death with some of the other crew who committed the mutiny but I managed to plead my way out of it.

We eventually made a small ship and we sailed are way to James Town.  A few years later I decided to go back to England. There I found out that my wife died. I later remarried to a women named Elizabeth Fisher. I decided to take my family back to James Town. On the ship my wife bore a son. We named him Oceanus. There in James Town I was considered an expert on Native Americans. Samoset a Native American came in to are village I offered him the night at my house.  He was very well mannered and he spoke well English. I was later insistent governor. Then I volunteered for the Pequot war but was never called to serve.  

                                                              Stephen Hopkins 1581-1644


    People are starting to get sick and die of starvation but the Indians are helping us out. There telling us were to plant our corn and were to fish. Its about 1621 and the Indians are going to feast with us after the the first harvest we invite the Indians to a three day feast of thanksgiving. There are more then 90 people at this feast. Its amazing that are two cultures can come to gather and feast. We live happily through the years.

    A black man who was a servant came over. A few years later he bought a piece of land and I'm amazed and happy because now anybody can be who they wont. More and more people start to come over. They also bring news of King James is getting more greedy and the puritans don't like that because they wont to be simple. Later in 1625 it gets worse when King James dies and Charles I becomes the king. More and more people are dieing from starvation and sickness but also we have people coming over so it balances it out.       
                                                         Stephen Hopkins 1581-1644
    There are about 20,000 puritans and more and more start showing up. We are also getting people who are called Quakers they call there self friends not Quakers. They also have no minister they all think that they have equal power. They believe that everyone gets to go to heaven no matter what you do because they think that god already plans if you go to heaven or hell when you born. They also believe that you have an inner light. I don't think that that's such a good idea because it might make people think that they can do anything and still go to heaven. That means that you could kill a man and you might still be able to go to heaven. If you didn't have a religion or practiced the wrong you might get kicked out of town if you were lucky or you would go to jail or might even get hanged. King Charles is happy that all the puritans are leaving England.